
“ From the beginning, the aim of CrossFit has been to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness. We sought to build a program that would best prepare trainees for any physical contingency—prepare them not only for the unknown but for the unknowable.” – Greg Glassman(CrossFit Journal, Issue 56) This past weekend we were invited to participate in the Waterford Dragon Boat Festival to raise funds in support of ToLife!. They are an amazing organization we’ve been fortunate enough to have a long standing relationship with.  In years past we’ve held our own fundraiser for ToLife! but since covid put an end to that we have yet to reestablish the annual event, so we were very excited to paddle for a great cause!  Aside from learning that Dragon Boat racing is way more fun and intense than anticipated, I had a few very interesting takeaways from the day.  CrossFit Spur...
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And the argument against it When it comes to youth sports (and sports in general) there’s a lot of programs, coaches and camps offering to boost performance with training catered to the needs of specific sports. While it may help a little, it’s certainly not the best option. Here’s why; With sports in general there are foundational movements that create a solid base upon which great athletes are built. In most cases an athlete who performs at a very high level in one sport will easily be able to perform well in various other sports or activities too. You know, the people who make you say: “of course, they’re good at everything”. Athletes who develop good kinesthetic awareness through compound, synergistic movements at a young age are easily able apply these principles to a variety of other things. It could be another sport or it could be a recreational activity,...
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Eating Healthy – The First Step No One Wants to Take.

 With summer right around the corner I’m asked nutrition questions almost daily. Trying to eat healthy today is an uphill battle against deceptive marketing, contradictory information and promises of quick-fix diets, drugs and supplements.
Through my experience in the field of health, fitness and nutrition I’ve discovered that the perception of eating healthy is very skewed. People think they eat enough protein because the wrapper says “High In Protein!”.Or they don’t consume a lot of sugar because the container says “Reduced Sugar!”. The problem is ‘High’ doesn’t necessarily mean enough, and ‘Reduced’ doesn’t mean none. This should be everyones first step toward eating healthy. I’d even argue that without doing this step first all other attempts at changing your diet are pointless. So here’s my challenge to you. It’s not an easy one, but I guarantee it will be the...
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Friday, March 3, 2024 marked the beginning of our tenth CrossFit Spur Intramural Open. CrossFit Spur members look forward to the intramural open the same way school children (and teachers) look forward to their holiday break. It’s a time when the entire community comes together on Friday night to workout, relax, meet other members, cheer on their peers, grab a drink, a snack and socialize. Each of the three CrossFit Open workouts begin on Thursday at 3pm with a live workout announcement. Anxiety, nervousness and excitement follow for the next 26 hours as intramural participants wait for “3, 2, 1, GO!” to signal the start of their heat. Sounds terrible, right? It’s a tough thing to explain unless you’ve had the experience of participation, but I’ll do my best to describe what the Intramural Open means to those who sign up every year. Before the existence of CrossFit Spur I...
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Have you ever had someone tell you CrossFit didn’t work for them? Maybe it wasn’t even CrossFit, it could have been another gym or even nutrition program. But what does that really mean? Generally speaking anything that gets a person to move their body safely and get sweaty will make them healthier. The results may not be as fast as they’d like, and the workouts may require a lot of effort but that’s not to say it doesn’t work. There are typically some characteristics in the “it worked for me” group which differ significantly from the characteristics of those in the “it didn’t work for me” group. They all seem to follow the same steps and process, so why do some people find success and others don’t? Let’s run through the process in detail. Signing Up This is a very difficult step for many people. Actually walking into a gym...
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